E-Class Record 2020 Free Download

To ensure Learning Continuity amidst the global health crisis, DepEd implements a modified grading scheme to measure student learning for public elementary and secondary schools nationwide this school year 2020-202.

Distance learning impedes the provision of immediate, relevant feedback on students' progress. Thus, assessment should be carefully designed, implemented, and interpreted to cater to formative and summative assessment. 

In line with this, DepEd Order No 031, S.2020 Interim Guidelines for Assessment and Grading in Light of Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan articulates guidelines in assessment adopted this school year. Written and performance tasks will be administered to assess mastery of content and competencies. While Quarterly assessments will not be conducted, a new transmuted weight is implemented in a modified grading scheme. 


1. Click the link.
2. Make a copy.
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4. Open and edit. 
